Meadowlake Library Media Center

Mrs. Beth Fields
Media Specialist
Collaborative planning between the library media specialist and teachers is essential to ensure that the library media program is fully integrated into each school's instructional program.
Our media center is focused on developing life-long learners. Students are taught integrated lessons to incorporate classroom content with library and research skills and technology. Common Core Standards are embedded in library lessons, projects, and activities.
Contact me:

Discovery Education
This site provides multimedia content and streaming video to enhance and enrich learning.
AR Bookfinder
Look up information and levels of AR books.
Big Universe
Click here to read online books and even write your own!
A site with many activities for early readers.
BookPals - StorylineOnline
The Screen Actors Guild Foundation is proud to bring you Storyline Online, an on-line streaming video program featuring SAG members reading children's books aloud! Each book includes accompanying activities and lesson ideas.
Mobile Public Library
This is a link to the Mobile Public Library where you can check
their catalog, find additional links, and check your public library
account for books you have checked out or reserved.
A site with many activities for early readers.
Scholastic Home Base
Kids can join a community of readers and will be able to read books and stories; attend author events; interact with their favorite characters; play book-based games and activities; join dance parties; and more!
Mobile Public Library
This is a link to the Mobile Public Library where you can check their catalog, find additional links, and check your public library account for books you have checked out or reserved.
Alabama Live Homework Help
This service offers free homework help from subject specialists.
Available Sunday - Thursday -- 3p.m. until 10 p.m. ! ! !
Free Tutoring - Math - Science - Social Studies - English
Grades K3-12, College Intro, and Adult Learner
Alabama Virtual Library
Use the resources of the Alabama Virtual Library to help with research.
Book Adventure
A free reading motivation site for children in grades K-8.
Author Sites
Reader's Advisory
Scholastic Book Wizard
Find Children's Books by Reading Level, Topic, and Genre.
A Book and a Hug
Read Alikes, Recommended Books, Which Reading Superhero are YOU.
The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress invites people of all ages to discover the fascinating people, places and events that await you whenever you read.